維護個人Email及英文姓名 (業務負責單位:人事室)
The English name of the teacher that appears in the course information is taken from the teacher's passport, which is maintained by the Office of Personnel. If there is an error, please contact the Office of Personnel for correction.
Maintain email
Managing Email Addresses
The teacher manages the primary or alternate email address themselves. If you encounter any issues during input or modification, please contact the Office of Personnel for assistance.
Visibility of Email Addresses
Students will be able to see the primary email address of the lecturer when they access the course syllabus via the Academic Information System.
Guidelines for Sending Emails to Students
When sending emails to students through the school information system, teachers should use one of the following addresses as the sender to ensure that the email system's security mechanisms do not block important emails: mx.nthu.edu.tw my.nthu.edu.tw more information
在當今的數位時代,電子郵件系統受到各種威脅,包括垃圾郵件、惡意軟件、釣魚郵件以及其他形式的郵件攻擊。為因應這些風險,各大電子郵件服務提供商(例如 Gmail、Hotmail、Yahoo 等)紛紛實施了新一代的郵件安全防護措施和政策。
1. mx.nthu.edu.tw
2. my.nthu.edu.tw