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Course Prerequisite

What are course prerequisites?

Prerequisites are courses or subjects that students must complete before they can enroll in a higher level course. These prerequisites are usually listed in the course description, and it is important for students to review them carefully before enrolling in a course.

Dealing with Prerequisite Challenges

If a student is interested in taking a course that has a prerequisite that he or she has not yet completed, he or she may be able to discuss the possibility of taking the course with the instructor and the academic unit offering the course. In some cases, the instructor or academic unit may allow the student to enroll in the course if the student can demonstrate that he or she has completed a similar course in the same or a related subject. 

Prerequisite Clearance Form


Importance of Verification

It is important to note, however, that students should not assume that they can enroll in a course without meeting the stated prerequisites. It is always best to check with the instructor or academic unit offering the course before attempting to enroll.


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