2024 Fall Inter-University Course Selection Process from NTHU to UST System
Understand the application start and end dates and the start dates of each school.
Course Information
Print out the application form
Starting from August 30, 2024: Access the NTHU information system → Interschool course selection → forms for interschool course selection → Print out the application form (two copies)
Obtain the student ID from the host university
- Login to the NYCU system to obtain the student ID for the current semester.
- When choosing NYCU courses, you must obtain the student ID for each semester.
- Write the 《NYCU student ID》 on the first and second sections of the NTHU inter-campus course selection form. example image
- Log in to the Central Course Selection System (please click on NetID to apply for an account password) to obtain the NCU temporary student ID. Use this NetID (temporary student ID) to log in and complete the inter-campus course selection.
- The temporary student ID obtained in the past can be used continuously and does not need to be applied for each semester.
- Write your 《NCU temporary student ID》 in the top right-hand corner of the first section of the NTHU Inter-Campus Course Selection Form. example image
- Log in to NCCU system for course selection, fill in the basic information to obtain the student ID for the current semester at NCCU, complete the authentication process, enter the course selection data, and print the application form for inter-campus course selection at NCCU (sample illustration).
- You must obtain the student ID for each semester when you select courses.
- Write your 《NCCU temporary student ID》 in the top right-hand corner of the first section of the NTHU Inter-Campus Course Selection Form. example image
Complete the internal signing process
- NTHU advisor (graduate students through their advising professors) → Head of the student's department → Division of Curriculum
- The Division of Curriculum will stamp both the first copy (NTHU copy) and the second copy (host university's Academic Affairs Office copy)
Complete the signature process and payment at the host university
- Complete the signature process: Instructor → Course Offering Department
- In principle, no additional credit fees are charged. This does not apply to the Teacher Training and In-service Master Programs (different fees apply for Chinese students and international students). The NCCU inter-campus course selection application form will display either "免會" (exempted from fees) or the payment amount. "免會" indicates that no payment is required.
Submit the second copy to the host university
NYCU: Submit the second copy to the NYCU Curriculum Office by 5 PM on September 13, 2024.
NCU: Submit the second copy to the NCU Curriculum Office by 5 PM on September 13, 2024.
NCCU: Submit the second copy for NTHU and
the inter-campus course selection application form for NCCU to the NCCU Registrar's Office by 5 PM on September 13, 2024.
Return the first copy
Submit the first copy to the NTHU Curriculum Office by 5 PM on September 13, 2024. Once we receive the documents, we will enter the course selection data, and the selected courses will immediately appear in the individual course registration file.
Digital Platform
- E3 Platform
- You will be able to log in and use the system the "next day" after processing by the NYCU Curriculum Office.
- More information: (Chiao Tung University Campus: (03)571-2121 ext. 31433, 50161), (Yang-Ming Campus:(02)2826-7000 ext. 60121).
- ee-class
- You will be able to log in and use the system the "next day" after processing by the NCU Curriculum Office.
- 03-4227151 ext. 57132,57169,57171
- Moodle The platform user account will be automatically activated upon completion of inter-campus course selection. Please pay attention to email notifications or contact the Moodle Inquiry Hotline at 02-29393091 #62853 for assistance.
- WM5 (02)29393091 ext.63378
Course Withdrawal
- Return the application form to the NTHU Curriculum Office by November 29, 2024, with the lecturer’s signature and approval from the NYCU Curriculum Office.
- Return the application form to the NTHU Curriculum Office by November 29, 2024, with the lecturer’s signature and approval from the NCU Curriculum Office.
- Return the application form to the NTHU Curriculum Office by November 22, 2024, with the lecturer’s signature and approval from the NCCU Registration Office.
- Return to the NTHU Curriculum Office by November 29, 2024
Deadline for acceptance:
- All procedures for selecting and withdrawing from courses at external universities must be completed before the earliest deadline set by those universities.
Tuition Fee:
- For extension students and graduate students, inter-campus credits are combined with National Tsing Hua University credits for the calculation of tuition fees, which should be paid to National Tsing Hua University.
Exceptions and Credit Calculation:
- If you intend to take courses at an external university to waive required courses in your department or to apply them towards graduate credit requirements, you must follow the rules of your respective department and submit an application to the department.
Uncertified electives will not be counted.
- Please ensure that elective courses at external universities have gone through the formal application and approval process. Courses selected without departmental and university approval will not count towards your credits and grades.
Cancellation of course selection and notification process:
- If you have completed the signature process at the partner university but do not intend to attend the course, you must not only withdraw from the course at National Tsing Hua University but also notify the course instructor and the academic affairs office at the partner university (for National Chengchi University, please notify the registration office). Fees for paid courses are non-refundable.