國立清華大學暑期開課要點 pdf
National Tsing Hua University Summer Course Offering Guidelines
- These guidelines are established to increase flexibility in course selection. Any courses offered during regular semesters or special subjects that face difficulties in recruiting teachers may be offered. The list of courses offered will be announced by the end of May each year.
- In principle, students may enroll for up to 9 credits during the summer term. With approval from the academic advisor and department chair, students may exceed this limit under special circumstances.
- Students participating in summer courses are required to pay credit fees and complete the course selection and registration procedures in accordance with regulations. Courses with fewer than 15 students enrolled after the payment deadline will be canceled. For students who are military conscripts studying under the Ministry of Education's Guidelines for Flexible Study for University Students During Military Service, tuition subsidies for summer courses with enrollment below the minimum requirement will be processed according to the guidelines. If such conscripted students require summer courses not offered at this university, assistance will be provided to facilitate inter-university course enrollment.
- Summer Courses generally last 8 weeks. For regular courses, one credit is awarded for every 18 hours of instruction. For practice or laboratory courses, one credit is awarded for every 36-54 hours of instruction. For clinical practice courses in the post-baccalaureate medical programme, one credit may be awarded for up to 80 hours.
- Student performance in summer courses is subject to the following regulations:
Passing or failing grades will be recorded on the annual transcript and calculated into the cumulative GPA.
Summer credits cannot be combined with credits from regular semesters; summer grades are also not averaged with regular semester grades.
- The university accepts summer course enrollment from students of other institutions, subject to the "Inter-University Course Selection Implementation Measures". Enrolling students must pay credit fees accordingly.
- All instructors teaching summer courses will be paid an hourly rate based on the "Standards for Hourly Rates for Part-time Instructors at Public Universities and Colleges" issued by the Executive Yuan for night course hourly rates. However, if the teaching unit has special requirements and these are approved through the relevant meeting of the unit to which the instructor belongs, it is possible to apply for the course credits to count towards the full-time teacher's teaching load instead of receiving hourly pay.
- There is no pre-registration for summer courses. Other unspecified matters will be handled according to university regulations and guidelines.
- This policy shall take effect upon approval by the Academic Affairs Committee.