
Managing Student Withdrawals in Online Courses: A Teacher's Guide

Online Course Withdrawal Procedures

student apply online-->instructor-->advisor approve online-->course withdrawn


Remind via Email

The eForm system will email instructors once a day to remind them there are some applications to deal with.



Academic Information System: -->Curriculum & Grades: eForm 

Click "Personal Pending Review"

tea step I

tea step II

step (III)

Before signing and agreeing or disagreeing, you can first click on any field to

  • Investigate the reasons for students withdrawing from the course by reviewing their self-statements.
  • Gather additional information about students.
  • Leave messages.

know more details


Annotate on the Attendance List

During the course withdrawal period, students who complete the withdrawal will have the note "withdrawn" marked on the attendance list.


Mobile Interface

approval step I


approval step III

decision making

