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The differences between 《Interdisciplinary Program》、《Minor》、《Double Major》and《Change of Major》

The differences between 《Interdisciplinary Program》、《Minor》、《Double Major》and《Change of Major》


Interdisciplinary Program


Double Major

Change of Major


Students shall receive a program certificate after fulfilling the course requirements.


The diploma shall state the names of the major and minor programs.


The diploma shall state the names of both the original major and the second major program.




A minimum of 15 credits with additional rules defined by each program.
A minimum of 9 credits must not be in the student’s major program, minor program, or obligatory courses of any other programs. (More information of the program upon request)

Besides completing the course and minimum credit requirements for graduation in the major program, students shall in addition complete the obligatory courses defined by the minor program for a minimum of 20 credits.

Besides completing the course and minimum credit requirements for graduation in the original major program, students shall in addition complete all the obligatory courses defined by the second major program.

The credit requirement for graduation is at least 40 credits more than each major program requires.

(See related info 1.)

Application time

No advanced application is needed except

Starting from Sophomore until the Add-or-Drop Selection of 2nd semester of the Senior study.

Starting from Sophomore until the Add-or-Drop Selection of 2nd semester of the Senior study.

►Starting from the sophomore.

►If the application was made before junior year, students may Change to a similar major as a junior-level student, or to a different major as a sophomore-level student.

►Please refer to the academic calendar for submitting an application.

Application Criteria



The GPA is above 3.40 or the ranking is in the top 10 percent of the class for each semester of the preceding academic year.

Check the requirements within the major that you change to.

Related Information

Nano-/Micro-ElectroMechanical Devices and Systems Program

Please refer to the Division of Registration.

Please refer to the Division of Registration.

Applicants will be reviewed by the department of the proposed program change and its degree requirement committee. After obtaining the approval of the departmental academic committee, the change of major will be in effect.

After the application for a change of major has been approved, students may not apply for another change of major, nor can they switch to their previous major.


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