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Withdrawal Process Instructions for Spring 2025 AIA-Related Courses

chinese version

To withdraw during the midterm, students from all nationwide TAICA Alliance schools must finalize the approval and submission process by Thursday, April 24.

Course No. Course Title Instructor Advisor's approval Instructor's approval
11320AIA 500600 Deep Learning--NYCU Univ. Wen-Hsiao Peng
Yong-Sheng Chen
Ping-Chun Hsieh
online approval before Thursday, April 24
  1. The student emails the course teaching assistant, requesting assistance in notifying the instructor of his/her intention to drop the course (Subject: NTU XXX Application to Drop XXX Course).
  2. After receiving the assistant's approval, the student forwards the email to the Curriculum Office  (curricul@my.nthu.edu.tw) before Thursday, April 24.. The Curriculum Office will then assist in completing the instructor's approval process.
11320AIA 100100 Probability and Statistics--Taiwan Univ. PING-CHENG YEH
11320AIA 100200 AI Ethics--Tunghai Univ. Zhen-Rong Gan,
online approval before Thursday, April 24 Co-taught course withdrawals require NTHU instructors' online approval before Thursday, April 24..
11320AIA 500400 Introducing Generative AI for the Humanities--Taiwan Univ. SHU-KAI HSIEH,
11320AIA 500500 Generative AI: Text and Image Synthesis Principles and Practice--Chengchi Univ. TSAI YEN-LUNG,
11320CS 562000 Robotic Navigation and Exploration MIN-CHUN HU Not acceptable Not acceptable


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