維護課程對應之SDGs 指標
依據108年12月24日108學年度第7次校務會報決議,有鑑於「永續發展目標」(Sustainable Development Goals,簡稱SDGs)是聯合國推動的目標,大學在SDGs上的努力與貢獻,也將是重要的評比項目,故須蒐集本校所開設的課程與SDGs 17項指標相對應之數據。
What are SDGs
Please identify the SDGs that are related to your courses
Dear professor,
To better understand our contribution and efforts on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), please enter https://www.ccxp.nthu.edu.tw/ccxp/INQUIRE/
->Curriculum & Grades
click on any specific goal that are related to your courses. (Multi-Selection Mode). Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.